1. How does someone qualify for service?
Answer: You must be 60 years of age, live in Bossier Parish, and have a current assessment on file and no support available to perform the task requested/needed.
2. Do you provide services to anyone under 60?
Answer: Yes, through Medicaid for transportation and if they are a Caregiver for someone over 60, or a spouse of a person at least 60.
3. Does my income determine if I qualify?
Answer: Services are not based on income, race, disability or religion. However, services and/or waiting lists are based on clients “Needs Based Assessment” score.
4. I need assistance applying for Medicaid and/or food stamps, can you help me?
Answer: Yes, you must have an appointment for Medicaid and Food Stamp applications. Applications are done at our Bearkat Site. Please call 318-741-8302 to schedule an appointment.
For information on Medicaid visit: Louisiana Medicaid
For information on Food Stamps visit: Department of Children and Family Services
5. What if my needs are greater than what you are able to do for me?
Answer: We have a great amount of outside referral sources that can be utilized. Visit Louisiana 2-1-1 for health and human services available in the community.
6. Do you offer utility assistance?
Answer: We do not have utility assistance, however we do refer to Bossier Office of Community Services at 318-747-1045. Bossier Office of Community Services
7. Do you do home repairs and/or modifications?
Answer: We do not offer home repairs and/or modifications. Occasionally, we are able to refer to volunteer groups that are available to assist with these needs.
8. How far in advance do I need to schedule transportation for medical appointments?
Answer: Medicaid clients must book with their Medicaid provider. Non-Medicaid clients need to give us a 7-10 day notice when scheduling a ride with us.
9. Do you provide housing assistance?
Answer: We do not provide housing assistance, but we do provide a listing of senior and low income housing options. Bossier Parish Section 8 Housing
10. If I have a concern about a senior in Bossier Parish who is being abused and/or neglected, whom do I contact?
Answer: You can call Elderly Protective Services at 833-577-6532. Governors Office of Elderly Affairs